Primary Objective: Attend to the Health and Welfare Issues Surrounding Hoof Care
Action Items:
- Eliminate the use of all toe grabs larger than 2 mm, turn downs, jar caulks and stickers on front shoes
- Research the use of hind shoes with toe grabs and other traction devices
- Require trainers to take an educational course on hoof care
- Distribution of educational material to owners and trainers
- Create educational hoof care and safety DVD
- Gain information on current farrier licensing practices and work toward standardizing
Accomplishments to date:
- Model rule banning toe grabs greater than 4 mm developed and passed at RCI Convention in April 2007
- Model Rule banning toe grabs greater than 2mm and elimination of all traction devices on front shoes approved and passed in August 2008
- Information on detrimental effects of toe grabs distributed to racing commissions and made available to public on Welfare and Safety Summit website
- Grayson-Jockey Club "Research Report" (distributed in The Blood-Horse magazine) for Summer 2007 and "Horsemen's Update" for September 2007 focused on toe grabs
- Research using video from high-speed cameras of horses breezing on dirt, turf and synthetic surfaces wearing different types of shoes, including shoes with toe grabs of varying heights.
- Shoeing DVD trailer complete and presented at the AAEP Convention and Racing Symposium.
- The Hoof: Inside and Out, 65 minute full length DVD completed with worldwide distribution. Spanish translated version due out the first quarter of 2010
- Presentations made at workshops and industry events on shoeing and hoofcare by committee members.